About us
Terry Horne has worked extensively with non-profit / tax exempt clients since 1981 and coordinates services for the firm’s approximately 250 business clients. In addition to managing audits he routinely provides a variety of financial services to firm clients.
Terry assists Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) improve their financial positions by analyzing the Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement implications of various programs and developing a reimbursement strategy. He provides support during Medicare and Medicaid audits, reviews interim payment rates, analyzes managed care contracting opportunities and develops strategy. He also consults with clients concerning provider affiliations, including mergers and consolidations, and helps them with accounting and reporting problems.
Terry’s expertise is routinely called upon by state primary care associations for financial analysis of issues of importance to community health centers. Terry has worked with several community health centers and state primary care associations, developing Medicaid prospective payment system implementation strategy and providing education to individual health center management teams and board of directors on a variety of financial management issues.
The firm consists of Terry and seven support staff including two professional accountants. Terry is licensed to provide professional accounting services in Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina and South Carolina and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants. He graduated with high honors from the University of Tennessee with a B.S. degree in accounting.

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